My 5 Golden Rules for Being a Great Podcast Guest

My love of podcasts started when I began a new job that came with a 3 hour daily commute on public transport. They were a way to switch off from the world, block out all the noise and be informed or entertained, depending on my mood. This love has grown exponentially during lockdown. I would […]
Your 4 Routes into the Job Market

When I’m working with my 1:1 clients and we are discussing how best to approach the job market, I describe the 4 routes in — noting that not all of these are created equal. Some of statistically more effective than others, some clients prefer one method over another. This is YOUR job search, you need to get comfortable with […]
How to Write a 90 Day Plan

You’ve secured the role of your dreams and are breathing a sigh of relief as your job search comes to an end. Now you realise that the hard work has only just begun. Your next challenge is to hit the ground running and reassure your new manager that you were the natural choice for the […]
My Redundancy Timeline

To help you feel better about your redundancy in the short run, and move on with your career in the long run, I’m sharing my expert tips on just what you should be doing… In the first hour Even if you are expecting it, news that your role is redundant will still come as a […]
The A-Z of Job Search

I pulled together this list as a bit of light-hearted fun on one of my Monday morning LinkedIn Lives or #jobhuntingwithjane . This is a brain dump from me of all the words we associate with job searching. How many will you guess? What do you have in your list? Let me know in the […]
What I learned from my first year in business

I have just celebrated the one-year anniversary of running my own business and what a roller coaster ride it has been. It took me a while to take that leap of faith. After experiencing my second redundancy of the year and, licking my wounds for a while, I got back into the job market whilst all the while […]
“Quit Your Crappy Job” Day

The 31st March is “Quit Your Crappy Job” Day – who knew there was such a thing, but then again why should we be surprised? I’m sure that we can all name at least one of our close circle of friends who detests their job and are too stuck to know what they really want to […]
13 ways to stay focussed when working from home

Legend has it that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates were at a party when a stranger politely interrupted them to ask them what the secret was to their success. Without a moment’s hesitation, they both replied “focus”, why then, does this seem to be so difficult in today’s distraction-led world? Since starting my own business, I […]
12 ways that jobseekers can make the most of the summer break

I recently posted this article that lists 4 reasons why the summer is in fact the best time to look for a job. It does de-bunk some of the myths around the summer being so quiet that you may as well just write it off. Re-reading it, I now see that it is aimed more at those […]