Cover Letter Templates

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Are you resisting putting yourself forward for opportunities because the hiring manager has asked you to submit a cover letter with your application?

Are you suffering from “analysis paralysis” because you have no idea where to start?

This eBook reveals how to get the job of your dreams by writing an effective cover letter. Start using the 11 cover letter templates immediately to get that letter written which will secure you a meeting with the hiring manager and ultimately increase your earning potential exponentially.

Tick here to add on a 60-minute online call with Jane to prepare for your interview for £249


How this eBook will help you:

Not just learning. But doing. Follow the eBook to:

  • See how to nail the lead, gain their attention, and get in the door
  • No longer have to stare at a blank screen wondering how to start
  • Benefit from an effective comedy technique that attracts eyeballs
  • Know what evidence to provide in your letter to help you close the deal
  • Understand what “jingo jango” language is and how to use it to your advantage
  • Have the knowledge to craft the proven templates we’ve used to get lucrative opportunities

Who is Jane Ferré?

Jane has had an illustrious career working in HR and has been at hundreds of interviews – witnessing the good, bad and downright ugly.

Her past roles include HR Business Partner and Head of Talent at British Airways and Head of Training at LEON.

After experiencing redundancy twice in one year, she decided to use her new found job-hunting skills to set up her own coaching business where she works with clients at all stages of the job hunting process to secure the role of their dreams.