Do your thinking once​

Comedians have their catchphrases. Brands end advertisements with the tagline for the product. I do the same. One of my favourite catchphrases that I find myself repeating whenever I work with clients is: “Do your thinking once” This comes up in a couple of scenarios. When I first meet with my clients, many of them […]

How did we end up here? (And what to do about it)

  From an early age, we get sucked into “The Success Trap”. We stay working in businesses with toxic cultures or in jobs that we are good at but don’t actually like that much. It starts with our grades being tracked at school, decisions about which university you choose to go to and the name […]

Why you should keep an appraisal journal

  It doesn’t matter at what point in the year performance reviews take place, they always seem to take everyone by surprise – managers and their team members alike. There is always a scramble to gather the data to support an individual’s rating. For all the performance calibration meetings that I have been involved in, […]

How to give your LinkedIN Profile an end of year refresh

December is always a great time to reflect on the year that we will be leaving behind as well as getting ourselves ready for the year ahead. This also means freshening up your social media accounts and in particular LinkedIN. You’ll find below a list of actions that I recommend you do each December to […]

How to find the right mentor for you

October 27th is National Mentoring Day. This is a day that I will always celebrate because mentors have played such an integral part of my personal and professional development. The CIPD define mentoring as “a relationship in which a more experienced colleague shares their greater knowledge to support the development of an inexperienced member of staff. It […]

7 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career

As the picture above says, “you didn’t come this far only to come this far”. You have gotten to the position that you are in due to your hard work, your expertise and the opportunities that you have created for yourself. The workplace will change exponentially over the next few years. You don’t believe me? […]

How would you describe “Your Perfect Day”​?

  When we are stuck about what to do next, it can be useful to take a step back and think about your average, yet perfect day. These are the kind of things that you would like to do on a daily basis that you would never tire of. Grab a coffee and a blank sheet […]

7 Reasons to Book a 60 Minute Turbo Call with me

I’ve received many questions over the past week about my 60 Minute Turbo calls,  one of the services that I offer my clients. The most common question is “what could I use it for?” People are not always sure what to expect.  The way to get the most benefit out of it is to focus […]